Friday, August 30, 2002

I know, I know. It takes me a painfully long long time before I ever post anything new on this here blog. Well, lemme tell ya, there hasn't been much to post on here I guess. It is prolly cuz everything in life is just great. I'm healthy, happy, and about to go to my first choice dental school. What more could I ask for? I'm also, I think, a lot closer to God these days. I and don't mean to get all churchy on some of you (What has the world come to???!). Sometimes when I look at people, I just feel so bad for them. It's like they embrace all of this hurt inside, and you truly wished that you could do something to pacify that hurt, but you can't do a thing. It's up to the person whether or not to let someone in. When a nice lead wall is placed in front of you, there's not much you can do. At the same time, I also know what is like to embrace hurt, or to feel a sense of loneliness. I haven't felt this in a long time thanks to Frank and my lovely friends (Rena, Kumar, Monica, Linh, Giang, Louie, Quyen, etc.). I'm so fortunate to have these people in my life. Life is phasic, and relationships with people don't remain the same ever. But you know, it doesn't ever take away from it's value. Sometimes the friendship may be more prominent at a certain point. At others, you forget it's there sometimes, until you get the occassional phone call or email, or when you decide to call or write yourself. But it is still important, and that never changes. It's strange watching the faces of your once young and vibrant parents age. Their skin begins to wrinkle, and your dad isn't as strong as he used to be. It's just strange also to look at some of your friends and see that they are grown men and women. Somehow I just don't feel like I'm there yet. I bet that is exactly the way our parents all felt, but they never let on for the sake of their children. Well, also, it could be that I still have at least another 4 yrs of school before I can make a decent living. Perhaps even more school should I choose to specialize. I don't know where I will be at the end of four years, but I know that everything will be OK.