Thursday, May 22, 2003

This weekend I studied with my friend Richard. It was nice. Actually, I just studied and he read a book he had been looking for a long time. He made an interesting comment that evening about how some questions have no answers, and that some people never figure that out, and persist in seeking the answer.

"Don't you get it?"

Well, life is just like that...there are never answers. We're all thrown in this world, where there is far more good than bad. And we can never choose the things that happen. Not to say we don't have choice, but our choices are limited by circumstance. Relationships are especially important. Not to say only romantic relationships. Relationships with family and friends. One day you can have a best friend....and the next day people change and situations change, and it's all over. The only thing left over is a memory of what was..and the only thing to do is to look toward tomorrow and hopefully learning from any errors in the past. Looking back, I've seen people who have proclaimed being soul mates who now hardly speak to each other. How is it that so many things can change in so little time?

"Everyone is victimized."

Does it make it OK to victimize people? Accepting the status quo is NOT the answer. You have to help those that cannot be helped and learn how to help yourself.

"There is no one that compares with you"

"Am I rightside up or upside down?"

Some spend their lives vicariously living through other people, media, movies, music, etc. Some actually live it. You have to be careful, but not so careful that you don't get to live life in full--for all it's vibrance, intensity, and color. For those who haven't had what music and songs have portrayed, I can say that with the right people, it IS THAT GOOD. Believe me. And yes, it also is THAT BAD when there are losses. Is the intensity long lived or fleeting? I would say fleeting. But hey, comfort is nice. But you can still CHOOSE..........