Thursday, January 27, 2005

Well, what to write? A thousand and one thoughts are racing through my mind right now. Too many thoughts on life and death to contemplate--all of which I'll never fully grasp until the day I pass over and the meaning of all things come into view.

My grandpa passed away today. I wish I had made it there before he had passed away. It's OK though, I know he knows that I was on my way there to see him off. In his 77 years of life, he managed to accomplish so many things. He's dined with kings and presidents, shared an audience with the Pope, been arrested 3 times, and even made it into historical text books for all of his political activity. And even more importantly, at least to me, he made it to being the father, grandfather, and even great grandfather of all of us. I am a little sad that my younger cousins never got a chance to know him the way the older ones did. I'm sure all of us will make him proud. He most definitely lead a life driven by great passion for the things he believed in. I hope that that part of him lives on in me as well--no, I know it will.