Saturday, October 30, 2004

OK, so like, I've been going out way too much for the past few weeks. It's so weird because the first 2 years of dental school were sooooo friggin' hard and I didn't have a chance to do anything, but now I have TIME live life again. And it's a darn good one if I do say so myself. Let's see, in the past few weeks.....Miyagi's, Xes, and Mor Bar or something like that. I had fun at all those, including Xes despite the police drama and almost getting arrested. One thing I've realized about myself, and my friend has agreed w/me on this part as she feels the same way too, is that if you don't drink (her contribution) and if you won't dance on a table top (my contribution), then you can't really be close to me. It has more to do with the ability to let loose than it is to actually do those acts really. I'm kind of crazy. OK, I'm really crazy. I know this is true, but you gotta take it or leave it. I guess what it comes down to is that you can generally stick people into the "Yes" category or the "No" category. The "Yes" category of people like to let loose, have fun, try new things, and are not very judgemental about the things that go on around them. The "No" category of people are the grumpy people who do nothing but play the victim, are never down to do anything new, think everyone around them is out to get them. Whoa, talk about paranoia blues. Do you wanna go out? "No" Do you wanna eat here? "No" Do you wanna watch this? "No" And to all these things I say good bye. I only want the "Yes" people in my know, the ones that are willing to embrace life and be happy. :) Because that's exactly where I am right now....damn it.